Exploration of Flesh
Personal memories and cultural tradition are the theme of this work. A family gathering which should have been inconsequential ended up captivating me as we were served a boiled animal head for dinner. Whether this was a sheep or lamb I do not recall, all that remains is my perception of the size of this monstrous animal which seemed to take up the whole table, commanding not only my attention but that of numerous flies which seemed to swarm towards this pile of flesh, muscle and eyes. I proceeded to watch my Turkish Grandmother eat the eyeballs, delicately popping them out of their sockets and relishing in this delicacy, just leaving the inedible iris to one side of her plate. My Grandmother and the animal head captivated me as I sat still gaping in enthralment and horror. Just as it did all those years ago, I find myself fascinated by skin and what lies beneath it. The compact shape of a heart, the texture of a tongue to fat deposits lining an organ. There is beauty in flesh.